Sunday, March 6, 2011

Crunch Time! Number-wise. Also, solving a KNOTTY problem <--Get it?!

I did a bit of number crunching. My tentative expenditures for the first month (not including food) follows:

  • LeoPalace Apartment: 
    • Two Months Rent Upfront: 101530¥ (US$ 1234)
    • Insurance: 20000¥ (US$ 243)
    • Lock Change 3150¥ (US$ 38)
    • Data Entry Fee (Whatever that is, I imagine they simply add my address to a Rolodex in town hall): 2100¥ (US$ 25)
    • Utilities (Electric, Water, Gas): 10000¥ (US$ 121)
    • Furniture and accompanying Accoutrement: 16451¥ (US$ 200)
    • Total: 153085¥ (US$ 1861)
  • Phone
    •  iPhone 4 32g: 51330¥ (US$ 624)
    • Value Plan (Unlimited Data with free* Voice Calling): 6185¥ (US$ 75)
    •  Total: 57499¥ (US$ 699)
  • Car 
    • Car Lease (?) with Insurance: 24677¥ (US$ 300)
    • Novelty Dice (jk)
    • Total: 24677¥ (US$ 300) 
  •  Grand Total: 235263¥ ($US 2860)
In short, best to work and save some money before heading over to Japan land. These expenditures do not even count purchases leading up to Japan like clothes, plane tickets, etc. I suppose everyone already knew that moving is expensive; but for the rest of us still late in the adulthood game, this serves as a reminder. Also, I remember my initial estimates for graduate school and dorm life at Ritsumeikan APU totaled (with granted 50% tuition scholarship) 2478000¥ (US$ 30124) for one year. Upon retrospect, spending a little money now to work and make money feels like the better decision. 

Anyway, the following is one of the more effective videos on Tying a Tie, specifically, a Windsor Knot. For those of us who still find ourselves confounded and wounded against a lank piece of cloth, Godspeed.  


So, I have two weeks left. I really feel restless. Oh, while in Japan I intend to start up a video blog on Youtube not unlike the many expat blogs already established. The late Rodger Swan, TkyoSam, and Meaphe inspired me to record my own impressions and maybe, just maybe, intelligently contribute to the thriving expat community. Or hell, maybe just entertain. For now, just houses some Japanese language video projects from yesteryear.


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